South Sudan for Christ

Bro. Makona. Tuesday/ Wednesday ( October 15th/16th) In South Sudan ,- Praying and Planning future Events.

Bro. Makona on Kenyan side and on South Sudan soil. Praying for a big harvest of Souls to be won to Christ starting from November 2019, 2020 and beyond. PRAY FOR SOUTH SUDAN. Pray and stand with me and my team for strength, good healthy, protection, favor, etc. The youngest, newest and poorest nation on Earth. 12 million people. Many villages are unreached with the gospel.

The passing of Brother Makona’s Mother

October 5th 2019 was the burial day of my mother Victoria Nambuye Makona. Thousands of people from all walks of life attended ( from Kenya and Uganda). She was a godly woman who taught me the word of God and how to pray. She was my hero and mentor. We had a big celebration and send off for her. Thank you for your prayers and support. God bless you.

Ministry vehicle is up and running again


God is so good. Today is a Tue Oct 2019. I’m so thankful to the Lord. And I want to thank you very much for your prayers and you support to buy for me the new engine for this Land Cruiser. As you can see it is moving, it is working, it is very well, very strong. I just thank you very much. May God bless you families, your businesses and everything you do. We love you and appreciate you very much. God bless you amen!

Ministry Vehicle up and running again